Thứ Ba, Tháng Tư 30, 2024
Rust (đọc là rớt-xtờ /rʌst/) là một ngôn ngữ lập trình hệ thống (system programming language) được quảng bá là có tốc độ cực kì nhanh, ngăn chặn được phần lớn mọi bug crash (segfaults), ngăn chặn được data race, rất...
Key Takeaways For object-oriented design we follow the SOLID principles. For microservice design we propose developers follow the “IDEALS”: interface segregation, deployability (is on you), event-driven, availability over consistency, loose-coupling, and single responsibility.Interface...
What is this buzz word ‘Docker’? Let’s understand this. In the image, we can see that whale is carrying so many boxes and going very happily. These boxes are called...
Nội dung Trong bài học này, chúng ta sẽ cùng tìm hiểu các vấn đề: Sơ lược về ngôn ngữ JavaNhững đặc trưng của ngôn ngữ Java

NET Core 3 Preview 1 Released

Today, at Connect(); 2018 conference, Microsoft has announced .NET Core 3 Preview 1 - the first public release of .NET Core 3. According to the company, .NET Core 3 is a major update that includes support for building Windows desktop...
We will be exploring Caching in .NET Core and its functionality. We will take a step-by-step approach to cover the following aspects: Introduction to CachingWhat is CacheTypes of CacheCache Implementation
GitHub is a great platform that allows developers to share their open-source projects with the world. There are a lot of repositories out there that can help you as a developer by providing great value for you....
ASP.NET Core Using JWT Authentication WEB API and consume it in Angular2 Client Application with proper project structure setup. Download source code Introduction I was trying to implement JWT Auth in web API. I want to consume the Web API in...
If you’re a software developer or programmer, I’m sure you’ve heard of blockchain by now. If you’ve not heard of the blockchain, you must be living in a bubble. In this article, I will talk about the most popular...
Bill Gates đăng lại bản CV từ năm 19 tuổi của ông, khiến nhiều người bất ngờ về thành tích của nhà sáng lập Microsoft. "Cho dù bạn là sinh viên mới tốt nghiệp...
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