Thứ Sáu, Tháng Tư 19, 2024
This is a system design interview question, which is to design Spotify. In a real interview, usually, you would focus on one or two main functionalities of the app, but in this article, I would like to...

.NET Core and DevOps

Key Takeaways DevOps is a worthy and rewarding pursuit no matter what technology stack you currently useClosedsource, proprietary software and build processes do not work well with DevOps practices.NET Core is open source,...
Though many easy-to-use resources are available to help with refactoring, you may not know about them. Check out these 10 tips to help you with efficient refactoring. Something we can say with certainty is...
Kiến trúc Mircoservices 3 phần từ cơ bản tới nâng cao Có code demo đi kèm Part 1-3: Source Code:
In this article, we will see how dependency injection works in .net core using Microsoft.Extension.DependencyInjection. Consider a scenario where you want to fetch all the categories from the database and want to show that...
We bring you a much needed Rosetta Stone — an explanatory bridge between these two technologies Java and C# are incredibly similar. Both languages are somewhat derived from C++ and from similar first principles.
Introduction In this article, Design principles are described in a manner that is easy to understand, along with the reasoning and benefits of their usage. Some of the well-known design principles are discussed which...
Developing a Microservices architecture with back-end Message Queuing Services to support a front-end Angular 6 application built with Angular Material Design Introduction The Monolith. By definition, a monolith is a geological feature consisting of a single massive stone or rock, such as a...
CHƯƠNG 1: CODE SẠCH Bạn đang đọc quyển sách này vì hai lý do. Thứ nhất, bạn là một lập trình viên. Thứ hai, bạn muốn trở thành một lập trình viên giỏi....
Dịch từ bài viết The Clean Architecture (Kiến trúc sach) của tác giả Robert C. Martin hay còn được biết đến rộng rãi với tên “Uncle” Bob. “Bác Bob” hiện tại là cựu nhân viên của 8th Light.
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