Using Golang to Build Microservices at The Economist: A Retrospective

Key Takeaways The Economist needed more flexibility to deliver content to increasingly diverse digital channels. To achieve this...

.NET Core and DevOps

Key Takeaways DevOps is a worthy and rewarding pursuit no matter what technology stack you currently useClosedsource, proprietary...

9 bước xây dựng BSC theo Hiệp hội BSC Hoa Kỳ

Theo thống kê của Hiệp hội BSC Hoa Kỳ, hiện nay 65% trong số 1.000 doanh nghiệp (DN) lớn nhất thế giới...


Tiêu chí 1 : Linkage to Strategy/ Liên kết đến chiến lược CtyVới những hoạt động thường ngày. Lựa chọn các performance...

Chín (9) bước triển khai BSC

Thực ra BSC cũng không khó để triển khai lắm (thông thường BSC triển khai tới cấp trưởng phó phòng là nhiều...

S.O.L.I.D, GRASP And Other Basic Principles of Object Oriented Design

Learn SOLID, GRASP and other hard-core object oriented design OOD principles using a language-independent and in a simple manner to impress other...

Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Learn object oriented analysis and design using a simple method even if you have tried in your class before and found it...

Angular Data CRUD with Advanced Practices of Reactive Forms

An Angular sample application that includes selecting, adding, updating, and deleting data with HttpClient service, reactive forms for object and array types,...

Simple ASP.NET CORE 2.2 app +Vue JS

Set up ASP.NET Core 2.2 app with Vue JS on UI components without using npm/webpack. Requirement

Test Your ASP.NET Core Web API With Swagger

Testing of Web APIs is always a challenge because it exposes the end-point rather than the UI. Testing such things may have...

CRUD Operation Using Dapper In C#

This article describes how to perform CRUD operations on the database using the dapper object relation mapperl Prerequisites

Dive into Microservices Architecture

Kiến trúc Mircoservices 3 phần từ cơ bản tới nâng cao Có code demo đi kèm Part 1-3: Source Code:

Most Popular Blockchain Programming Languages

If you’re a software developer or programmer, I’m sure you’ve heard of blockchain by now. If you’ve not heard of the blockchain, you must...

ASP.NET Core With Dapper And VS 2017 Using JWT Authentication WEB API and Consume...

ASP.NET Core Using JWT Authentication WEB API and consume it in Angular2 Client Application with proper project structure setup. Download source code Introduction I was trying...

Top 18 Apps Made Using Xamarin(2018)

Xamarin is a cross-platform implementation of the Common Language Specifications (also called Microsoft.Net) and Common Language Infrastructure (CLI). This platform gets its name from a Microsoft...

Xamarin.Forms 4.0 Feature Preview: An Entirely New Point of (Collection)View

As part of the upcoming Xamarin.Forms 4.0 release, we are implementing the all new CollectionView control. The CollectionView is intended to be a successor to the ListView, improving upon...

The Future of Mobile Development: Xamarin.Forms 4.0 Preview

Yesterday at Microsoft Connect(); 2018 we announced our plans for Xamarin.Forms 4.0 and shared a public preview. Let’s now take a deeper look at...

Connect(); 2018 Xamarin Announcements

Today, at Microsoft Connect(); 2018, we have several exciting announcements about brand new capabilities and foundational improvements in the Xamarin platform driven by your generous feedback.    Visual Studio...


Gần như mọi thứ về công nghệ quan tâm đều có trong hình này  

NET Core 3 Preview 1 Released

Today, at Connect(); 2018 conference, Microsoft has announced .NET Core 3 Preview 1 - the first public release of .NET Core 3. According to the...