Thứ Năm, Tháng Ba 13, 2025
In this article, we will see how dependency injection works in .net core using Microsoft.Extension.DependencyInjection. Consider a scenario where you want to fetch all the categories from the database and want to show that...
This project is a basic gym project developed using Angular 7, ASP.NET Core APIs, and SQL Server database. Link to download the project source codehere. Let’s see...
Continuous Integration and Delivery with VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services) Editorial Note Having trouble writing or posting articles? These articles aim to gather together tips and tricks from authors and mentors...

The Go Program Structure

Introduction  Go is no different in having its own syntax or structure and its own flavor like every other language. That's what makes a language stand out. Go is also easy and elegant in...
As an avid enterprise software developer, using the right kind of tools keeps me productive by helping me track my work, manage time, and making my daily life easy.  These...
This article will demonstrate to you, how you can create your first Python application in Visual Studio 2017 and after creating your first python project, we will see some of the small python examples so that you...
Advanced logging in modern .NET applications. A Sunday-morning-proof-of-concept. Introduction In this article, you'll learn how to set up a development environment to use Elasticsearch and Kibana with logging purposes. During this...
In this article, I am going to discuss one of the popular Unit Testing frameworks, Mocha and the assertion framework chai.js. Mocha is one of the well-known frameworks for JavaScript unit testing. If you...
Key Takeaways The Economist needed more flexibility to deliver content to increasingly diverse digital channels. To achieve this goal of flexibility and maintain a high level of performance and reliability, the platform transitioned...

.NET Core and DevOps

Key Takeaways DevOps is a worthy and rewarding pursuit no matter what technology stack you currently useClosedsource, proprietary software and build processes do not work well with DevOps practices.NET Core is open source,...
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